
What are Blue pearl countertop?

The ancient Greeks believed that volcanic eruptions occurred when Vulcan,Blue pearl countertop the God of Fire, stoked his subterranean furnace beneath Vulcano, a small volcanic island of Siciiy, from which present word volcano is derived. Of Course, we no longer believe this is true. Geologists and volcanologists have ascertained that volcanic activity is closely connected with crustal disturbances, particularly where there are zones of weakness due to keep faulting or mountain folding. As temperature increases with increasing depth below the earth's crust, at an average rate of about 1 C to every 20 meters of decent, the interior of the earth can be expected to be in a semi-molten state, comprising solid, liquid and gasses materials, collectively termed magma.  The gases are vapor increase the mobility and explosiveness of lavas which are emitted through the orifice or vent of a volcano.

There are two main type of Lava the Basic Lava and the Acid Lava, the basic lava is very hot lava and dark in color rich in iron magnesium where acid lava is really very much dense and ligh coloured. Any ways we would discuss these two types of lava here below partly.

Basic Lava:

These are very hot lavas, about 1000 C and are highly fluid. They are dark colored like basalt, rich in iron and magnesium but poor in silica. They affect extensive areas, spreading out as thin seets over great distances before they solidify. The resultant volcano is gently sloping with a wide diameter and forms a flattened shield or dome.

Acid Lava:

These lavas are highly viscous with a high melting point. They are light-coloured, of low density, and have a high percentage of silica.

Type of Volcano

There are three types countertop of volcano: the active, dormant and extinct. All these types of volcanoes have different qualities which are: Volcanoes are said to be active when they frequently erupt or at least when they have erupted within recent time. Those that have been known to erupt and show signs of possible eruption in the futureand described as dormant. Volcanoes that have not erupted all in historic times but retain the features of volcanoes are termed extinct.
Blue pearl countertop

